Photo credit: anitapatterson from |
Unclear content
If you are writing about something you should know what your are writing on, don't act professional on something you don't know. The main element of a blog is it's content. You have to fix this before anything else. Make your content clear, right on point, easily understandable and fresh. And of course original. If your information is wrong or content is unclear it creates a huge negative impression on your reader which is almost impossible to delete with every cool design and offers you have for them. and make him/her click the back button.
Too much eye catching
If you have the right content you should start worry about your template and widget. Eye catching is important but it has to be professional. Some template are very poorly designed and completely unrelated to what readers are reading. Unless it's a personal blog your readers would be happy to hear the loud auto-play of your favorite song. Don't use too much gif/ flashy content, mouse effects or any other funky script that would make you visitors ask-"where's the bathroom?"
Advertising hammer
Well you heard somewhere online that you can also make money by blogging so you signed up for all the advertising sites. Since nobody seems to click on them you put a load of them, some pops up, some starts talking, some jumps on the screen and many other extra ways to earn some extra. If you think that's a right method think why your reader would come to your site, for your content. And if they can't get the information they wouldn't be interested on what is going on around and just click the close button. Limit your ads and if you have right content and template you will start get more clicks on your ad than hammering them on the head before.
Needy baby
"Pay 2 dollars to read the article on secrete to be cool"-sounds great deal right? Here's another one -"Register To view the article" or you can also use "Finish the surveys to see the article"to make your visitor run away. Don't expect too much from visitor, each one will not give you 10,000 dollar for you blog. Since there are billions of article on almost every topic online it's your job to keep your reader to you, they can find billions of the same article online, so if you find one don't ask for too many things right after they enter the door.
Unless it's a personal blog, when people looks for a certain information they expect your blog to be on the same topic. Even if the reader finds one of your article helpful he wouldn't come back because he/she doesn't know if your future post will be on the same topic your client need information in or interested. It's important to keep your blog in one certain topic. If you get one visitor for one of the post you will get a returning visitor who will like your future posts. So don't make your blog random because it's only good for stalkers.
I would leave your site/blog for mainly because of these reason. I didn't mention some obvious reasons black hat techniques and spamming, cookies, malware etc. Try avoiding the things I have talked about to gain trust as a new blogger and get you readers to follow your blog. What are some of the reason you would leave a site/blog tell us in the comment below.
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