Thngs to remember when choosing a blogger templete

In the crowd of thousands of free blogger template you should always choose the "right" template for your blog. If you are a serious blogger or have a good mission for your blog you should definitely take this seriously. Even though they shouldn't, they will judge you by the looks of the blog right after the article. You can find lots of different customized paid and free blogger template over the internet. And here are some good tips you should remember when getting a template for your blog or customizing it.

1. Choose your type

The first thing is to match with the work your doing. If you  have a blog about dead people and mystery it will not be great choice if you use a super colorful template. Think about your blog as a reader and the environment they need for to enjoy the article you write. 

2. Number of columns

This can be define as one of #1 's sub category. Where you should know about your blog. Don't get any ads ready blog if you are new blogger or don't have much experience with html. Think about what your visitor will do and how fast and easily they can do it. Think about this and get a template.

3. Know your rights

Although you can find billions of free template you should know how much free is it. Most of them allow you to use it with link back others might give it for free or not allow for certain use. To avoid future problems read and see the rights of you to use the template. 

4. Color Counts

If you don't have enough knowledge about html editing you should choose your color that matches your requirement and content. 

5. Size and neatness

Choose your size of the blog where the actual content will appear. Using too many types of "cool stuff" might not be goof for your visitor and the speed of your blog. If the blog is too laggy people won't be interested in going to see anything extra you offer.

6. Your reader's have diabetics

Adding plugins, wages, script are good to make your blog "cooler" but you should remember that your readers have diabetics if you give them too much sugar they will most likely die! Keep it balanced.

Remember if you are expecting visitor it's not you who will need the information, your reader will. So do whatever it takes to give them the simplest interface and user-friendly fast blog.

I wrote this post originally on my other blog pretty long ago, I think it still worth some value.

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