Neave Interactives - cool site

Neave Interactive is a bunch of awesome work and interactive together. Some are educational, and others are just pure fun. If you have chrome you have probably used the webcam toy, which is the work of the same site. There are many interactive including some that you can play with your voice. Some also contains joke and one tells the position of the celestial objects and see where it will be in the future. Some of the awesome awesome works are described below with links.

A very nice mouse interactive with very elegant graphics. You can move around your mouse and fall into the world of colorful imagination.


It's exactly what it sounds like. You can view your sky according to your location and see where the celestial objects will be after days or how it was back in time. You can also get this on your chrome browser as a app. 

TV without context

This is a TV without context. Random clips will be starting and changing the channel will bring another channel in old fashion way. You can also click through to change the channel. Each clips have a some twist and often very funny and sequence to make you feel like actually switching through TV channel.

That are shown are some of my favorite work. Go to the site to check more awesome works. Including bouncy ball, strobe illusion and many more.


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